Category Archives: FAQ

How much does it cost to play in the League?

Fees are determined by the day you select and the amount of games on that day. For teams it is normally $497 – $650 for 8 – 10 games.

Our Individual program is $75 – $90 for 8 -10games + all Individuals are required to buy a PSBL reversible jersey for $15.

If a captain registers two teams, s/he receives a $50 discount.

I loved the league. I want to sign-up again. Do I need to re-register online?

No.  The last week of the Session PSBL uses different “Foul sheets” that asks if you are “IN” or “OUT” for the next Session.  If we have your CC on file then all you need to do is circle the “IN” on the Foul Sheet and you are done.  If you are an “Individual” indicate “IN” or “OUT” as well.  You also have the choice of going back into “the pot” and being put on a new team.  Please mark on the Foul Sheet if you would like to (1) stay on the same team, or (2) play for a new team next Session.