Thursday Fall 2 2024 Team List/Payment Info
Team Name | Balance |
24Hr Fitness Warriors | $0 |
808's And Fastbreaks | $0 |
Bad Girls Club | $0 |
Basketball Jones | $0 |
Best Hits Of The 80s | $680 |
Bubble Tea Squad | $680 |
Checkpoints | $0 |
Family | $380 |
Goofy Goobers | $0 |
Hustlin' Hoop Squad | $0 |
Indy Cam Newton (AUB) | $0 |
Indy Crash The Boards | $0 |
Indy Thursday Coed 1 | $0 |
Indy Thursday Coed 2 | $0 |
Lagers | $680 |
Larry And The Bird Gang | $65 |
Layups Are Hard | $0 |
Papahwadee | $0 |
Pucker Park | $680 |
SPR&Friends | $0 |
Se-Tac Tropics | $0 |
Seattle Snipers | $0 |
Secrets Room | $680 |
Showtime | $540 |
Slothin Ain't Easy | $540 |
Smitten Kittens | $0 |
TEAM HUSTLE | $540 |
TeamLitz (Thu) | $680 |
The Scrapyard | $540 |
Vinh Hoops Select 3.0 | $680 |
WWKD | $0 |
Yesler Court Kings | $580 |