Sunday League
Sunday Schedule
Sunday Individual Roster
Sunday Teams/ Payment Info.
Sunday Records
Sunday Results
Sunday Team Registration
Sunday Individual Registration
PSBL moves teams up and down skill levels EVERY week to create the best possible match-ups! Get blown out and we’ll move you down, Dominate and we’ll move you up.
PSBL organizes Hoops on Demand(HoD) single games EVERYDAY that you can jump on to. Sign up on the HoD Calendar
PSBL has over 20 teams and 3 divisions of play in its Women’s and Co-Ed leagues Neufachivife .
PSBL averages 230 teams 50 weeks a year.
New player and not sure where you start? Sign up for our Hoops on Demand(HoD) Lunch Time Hoops or Saturday Morning Hoops programs. Those games are laid back and very encouraging.
PSBL has the largest CoEd League in the Pacific Northwest with 3 divisions of play on Sundays, or Thursdays
PSBL always needs referees. Contact us about becoming a PSBL official.
PSBL offers Men’s, Women’s, and CoEd Leagues for all skilled players
PSBL is in its 13th year of operations and has organized over 50,000 games.
PSBL organizes 7000 games yearly.
WE NEED GYM SPACE! Know or have access to a quality gym? PSBL is a great revenue source for gyms. Contact us for details.
Sunday Schedule
Sunday Individual Roster
Sunday Teams/ Payment Info.
Sunday Records
Sunday Results
Sunday Team Registration
Sunday Individual Registration