Wednesday Fall 2 2024 Game Results

PSBL Wednesday Fall 2 2024 League
October 30, 2024
Indy Laying the Points (Fall 2) (51) Jimmy Jam Slam (74)
Reignmen (74) Polar Ice (107)
The Double Stacks (47) Owen Wilson's Wild Hogs (57)
IMA Legends (66) Scott’s Tots (69)
Indy Over/Under (Fall 2) (53) Irritable Bol Syndrome (60)
Team Beef (65) Roe vs. D. Wade (Wed) (70)
McDowell's All Americans (60) Owen Wilson's Wild Hogs (63)
The Double Stacks (73) Mike Breen BANG! (79)
Secrets Room (82) The Stranger (52)
Harbor City Hoopers (52) Dingo And Friends Meet Destiny (66)
Circus (58) Famicks Family 2.0 (55)
MidStarz (65) Unretired Toon Squad (63)
Fifth Quarter (61) Deuce Canes (47)
Maple Leaf N Friends (70) Supersonics (WED) (75)
The Snail's Pacers (62) Famicks Family 2.0 (73)
Grahambling State (50) Super Sanics (73)
Team Dave's House (67) Switching Back And Forth (49)

November 06, 2024
Jimmy Jam Slam (60) Reignmen (51)
Indy Laying the Points (Fall 2) (35) Harbor City Hoopers (58)
Scott’s Tots (75) Unretired Toon Squad (52)
The Double Stacks (68) Team Beef (60)
BALLHARD LOCKS (67) The Stranger (78)
Irritable Bol Syndrome (80) Reignmen (69)
Indy Over/Under (Fall 2) (55) Roe vs. D. Wade (Wed) (63)
Dingo And Friends Meet Destiny (50) Fifth Quarter (72)
Supersonics (WED) (70) Unretired Toon Squad (86)
McDowell's All Americans (75) The Rainmakers (62)
Famicks Family 2.0 (76) Grahambling State (69)
Still Below The Rim (79) Maple Leaf N Friends (68)
The Snail's Pacers (72) Switching Back And Forth (66)
Owen Wilson's Wild Hogs (66) MidStarz (69)
IMA Legends (58) Super Sanics (69)
Deuce Canes (73) Circus (79)
The Snail's Pacers (80) Team Dave's House (86)
Mike Breen BANG! (63) MidStarz (54)
Polar Ice (59) Super Sanics (63)
Circus (70) Dingo And Friends Meet Destiny (59)

November 13, 2024
Still Below The Rim (60) Irritable Bol Syndrome (58)
Indy Laying the Points (Fall 2) (84) The Rainmakers (46)
Grahambling State (56) Harbor City Hoopers (52)
The Double Stacks (53) Unretired Toon Squad (55)
Dingo And Friends Meet Destiny (63) Switching Back And Forth (51)
Still Below The Rim (87) The Rainmakers (49)
Indy Over/Under (Fall 2) (77) Cardioless Kings (79)
Mike Breen BANG! (72) The Stranger (91)
McDowell's All Americans (55) Harbor City Hoopers (65)
Super Sanics (61) Circus (54)
Polar Ice (70) Maple Leaf N Friends (68)
Reignmen (34) Cardioless Kings (47)
Mike Breen BANG! (70) BALLHARD LOCKS (69)
MidStarz (85) The Snail's Pacers (78)
Famicks Family 2.0 (65) Owen Wilson's Wild Hogs (56)
IMA Legends (77) Maple Leaf N Friends (79)
Jimmy Jam Slam (54) Roe vs. D. Wade (Wed) (68)
Fifth Quarter (53) BALLHARD LOCKS (64)
Team Dave's House (76) Deuce Canes (53)
Supersonics (WED) (66) Scott’s Tots (62)
Team Beef (52) IMA Legends (64)

November 20, 2024
Indy Laying the Points (Fall 2) (71) Deuce Canes (63)
Maple Leaf N Friends (92) Still Below The Rim (48)
Cardioless Kings (53) Team Beef (65)
Famicks Family 2.0 (77) MidStarz (50)
Indy Over/Under (Fall 2) (55) Switching Back And Forth (46)
Fifth Quarter (60) The Stranger (55)
Unretired Toon Squad (63) Grahambling State (80)
Reignmen (47) The Snail's Pacers (44)
Owen Wilson's Wild Hogs (101) BALLHARD LOCKS (48)
Supersonics (WED) (63) The Stranger (75)
IMA Legends (60) The Double Stacks (85)
Circus (30) Mike Breen BANG! (48)
The Rainmakers (53) Roe vs. D. Wade (Wed) (52)
Polar Ice (66) Harbor City Hoopers (68)
Team Dave's House (72) Super Sanics (62)
Dingo And Friends Meet Destiny (63) Scott’s Tots (58)
Irritable Bol Syndrome (65) Jimmy Jam Slam (74)